Dancer-A: Chase & Emilee (Oak Springs Book 1) Read online


  Oak Springs: Part 1

  Chase & Emilee

  Copyright © 2017 Lucy Rinaldi

  The contents of this novel are pure fiction.

  All names, places and events are in no way associated with any persons dead or alive.

  Places and events are used for fictional purposes only.

  Any similarity's to real life events, places or persons are pure coincidence.

  All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  One 3

  Two 7

  Three 10

  Four 12

  Five 14

  Six 16

  Seven 19

  Eight 22

  Nine 28

  Ten 31

  Eleven 33

  Twelve 37

  Thirteen 39

  Fourteen 41

  Fifteen 43

  Sixteen 45

  Nineteen 48

  Twenty 50

  Twenty-One 53

  Twenty-Two 56

  Twenty-Three 58

  Twenty-Four 61

  Twenty-Five 64

  Twenty-Six 68

  Twenty-Seven 72

  Twenty-Eight 75

  Twenty-Nine 78

  Thirty 80

  Thirty-One 84

  Thirty-Two 87

  Epilogue 90

  Sneak Peek At Scarred: Hudson & Callie's Story. 92

  Available Books By Lucy Rinaldi. 95

  About The Author. 97



  Three years ago...

  The club is jumping as always. Women dancing like they don't have a care in the world, shaking their assets for the paying client. Some have taken clients to booths to drink, talk. Some have been requested to join clients in the back rooms. Rooms where anything goes as long as you abide by Chase and Jesse's rules.

  Chase Braxton is the club owner, well, part owner. He owns the place along with Jesse King. I've known both of them my whole life, they were the best friends of my big brother, Aidan.

  My brother died a couple of years ago in a motorcycle accident. Chase and Jesse took me under their wing and made sure I stayed in school. Things got tough at home, dad drank a lot, mom stopped caring. I could no longer afford to go to school without working to keep a roof over my head. Of course, the guys offered to pay for everything but I refused. There was no way I would ever allow them to pay my way through life.

  When they offered me a job at their club working Friday and Saturday nights I jumped at the chance. Of course, I couldn't work the bar. I don't suppose they'd want to lose their liquor license by hiring underage girls.

  Chase told me I'd be dancing on a podium. I'd have to wear skimpy dresses and even sometimes just my underwear and heels. I would never have to be naked, and no client would ever be able to put his or her hands on me in any way. That was almost a year ago.

  I've watched girls come to work here and move up the ranks in position so fast it makes your head spin. Some have only been here a couple of months. How is that even fair?

  Most of the girl have moved up to escort. They get booked by the highest clientele, movie stars, musicians, businessmen. All high profiled. Of course, everything here is confidential and each girl who works here has to sign a contract with a confidentiality clause. What happens in Club Trace stays in Club Trace.

  I don't get why I've never been promoted, not that I want to sell my body the way the other girls do, but I thought I would have worked my way up from simply dancing. I thought by now I would have at least given a lap dance.

  Whenever I mention anything to either Chase or Jesse they shrug it off. They say it's nothing personal, that the other girls just have more experience. How is that possible when I've been here longer than most? It doesn't give a girl much confidence in her looks.

  Chase always says it's nothing to do with the way I look. He says I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever laid eyes on. But if that were the case wouldn't he have promoted me by now? Or given me a date with one of his more classier clients, even if all they wanted was a simple date?

  I think I've been in love with Chase for as long as I've been here. Heck, I think I've loved him since I was a little girl. Although he's never looked at me in that way before. But he's always been so nice to me, making sure I'm happy and safe.

  The hard part is how the more time I spend with him the more I feel for him. But just like every other man in the world, he doesn't even notice me. Still. After all of this time, he doesn't notice anything about me. I even dance more seductively when I know he's watching me, but it's like he's dead from the waist down where I'm concerned.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Okay, I'm a little shorter than the other girls here, and I guess I do have the darkest hair, not that I know where I get raven black hair from when both my parents and my brother had blonde hair. Lekisha, one of the gorgeous mixed race girls here, has lighter hair than me. Go figure!

  She used to tell me that for a short girl, I had a nice ass and firm tits, a pretty face, and a smile to die for. If that's the case why doesn't any man want more from me?

  I sigh to myself and order another vodka. What else do I have to do on a Friday night? I'm not due on stage for another half hour. Not that I feel like it tonight. All I really feel like is quitting. There must be more to life than dancing for four hours every weekend.

  Okay, I will never and I mean never make the kind of money I make here anywhere else in my life. I don't have to work during the week because I can make up to two grand in tips alone, and that's without my salary. That's fucking laughable. A salary for working in a club like this one? A club where anything goes as long as you stick to the rules. But if a girl like me can make that much money god knows how much the other girls make.

  The joys of working in a well-established club that charges it's members an obscene amount of money for the privilege of watching its girls dance. Plus, I think Chase and Jesse might slip a little extra in my pay packet.

  “You know the rules”

  “Just pour the drink, jackass” That's his job, dammit!

  Ron always gives me shit about drinking on the job. I don't see what the hell it matters how many drinks I have, I do nothing but dance. It's not like men are allowed to so much as wink at me.

  “Not having a good time?”

  I knock back my vodka before turning my eyes to the man next to me. Hell's bum, why does he have to be so damn hot? Hot as in Gor-ge-ous! Tall, dark and over the damn top handsome, muscles that bulge from his shirt, with icy blues, for fuck's sake! I imagine he has a washboard stomach, and god, I could do bad things to this man.

  But, like every other man here, Chase and Jesse would probably break his legs if he so much as touched my arm.

  “Kind of the story of my life these days”

  “Beautiful girl like you?” He gives me a skeptical smile while narrowing his eyes playfully. I know I'm blushing.

  I'm not used to a man's attention like this. Okay sure, when I dance, I know men watch me and maybe want me, or want me to do things to them. But then men will fuck anything when they're horny. It doesn't make me anything special.

  But this man is looking at me in a way that has my body burning for him. He's more than just a couple of years older than me, that's for sure. But what the hell does age have to do with anything? I've always had a thing for older men.

  “What could be so bad?” I shrug while motioning for Brain to pour me another drink. “Do you work here?”

  “If you can call it that”

  “I'm not giving you another drink”

  I roll my eyes at Ron. “Why are
you such a prick?”

  “Why can't you do as you're damn well told!”

  “Hey, now, there's no need to speak to the lady like that” My head snaps round to the sexy hunk next to me. He's a gentleman alright.

  “Don't be fooled by this one, she is not a lady” True. But I'm a woman who will crush his fucking balls if he keeps talking about me like that!

  “And you're no gentleman. Now why don't you go fuck off, Ron! And leave the bottle before you storm off to tell tales on me!” I yell as he walks away. “Asshole” I mumble under my breath.

  “Little firecracker, aren't you?” I sense the amusement in his voice. My sex is clenching listening to his husky voice.

  I turn my now slightly drunk eyes to him. Why is it alcohol makes a person feel much braver than they actually are? “What's a hot guy like you doing in a place like this?” I ask as I run my hand up his chest. “I don't imagine you need to pay for a lady's company”

  “Maybe. But maybe I like the look of the little lady I've been watching dance for the past month”

  Does he mean me?

  Why did he ask me if I worked here if he's been watching me?

  “And yes,” He cups my face with his left hand. The feeling of his hand on my face has me biting on my lower lip. “I mean you, Ayvaline” What the fuck, he knows my name? He really has been watching me!

  “What's your name?” I practically whisper against his mouth, which is now literally an inch away from mine.

  “Zack” I gasp, and my eyes roll as his tongue teases my lips. They part easily for him, and he takes full advantage of it. I haven't been kissed by a man in months, but this man has a talent for it.

  Holy hell, I'm soaked.

  My panties are literally soaking for him. I slide my hand around his neck. The muscles in the backs of my legs become tight from leaning up on my tip toes. I'm 5.4 in heels, 5.1 without, and he is at least a foot taller.

  “Would you dance for me, Ayva?”

  “Privately?” I haven't let go of his neck yet. I don't want to let go of him, I like the feeling of his taut chest pressing against mine. I like the way my sex is throbbing with thoughts of being near this man.


  I bite back a smile while nodding my head. I want nothing more than to dance privately for him. No one has ever asked me before. Then again, no one in the club has ever kissed me the way he did before either. But then, no one has ever been allowed close enough to do so. Chase saw to that.

  “Are you a gold member?” Gold members get special treatment here. They have the choice of fourteen private rooms where the girls can take them for a private dance of their choosing.

  “No. I'm a platinum member” He winks.

  Shit, platinum members are like royalty, and they get treated as such. There are only a select few people who make platinum members. And those are the members who take girls on vacations with them, buy them fine jewelry, make love to them and fuck them hard all at once.

  Nothing is unobtainable to platinum members.

  But you only make platinum if Chase and Jesse trust you with their lives and the lives of the girls who work for them. Which, of course, is why there aren't all that many platinum members.

  I've often wondered what it would be like to be one of those girls who gets chosen to date a platinum member.

  Marissa, Letisha, Diane, and one or two of the other girls who used to work here, where hired to act as girlfriends for some of the top clients of this club. Not that we see them anywhere other than in magazines or news papers with their “Boyfriends” as they're politely called.

  Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to sleep with the clients, nor do I want to follow in the footsteps of those girls. They may be happier than they've ever been, but I don't wish to sell my body for sex. I have nothing against those girls who do, but it's just not me.

  Gold members here can request pretty much anything of the girls here. Dances, dinner dates, dates to the theater, a night with a girl in one of the “Fantasy rooms” as the girls call them. A room where anything goes as long as the girl is willing. The only cameras in this place are the ones outside of those fantasy rooms.

  Although the fantasy rooms are equipped with panic buttons should the girls need them. The rooms also have voice recognition. Meaning that the girls are given three words each morning. If any one of those words are called out in the room the place will be filled with security within seconds. The client with them be dealt with accordingly. I never like to think about what that means, and I have never once asked. But I know Chase and Jesse take the safety of the girls very seriously.

  There are cameras in the private dance rooms here, but that's just to make sure the girls aren't having sex with clients in them, it's forbidden. Chase would literally throw a fit and fire whichever girl allowed things to go that fair, and any man who asked her would have his membership revoked.

  No one have ever been caught doing that to my knowledge. No client wants the details of his private sexy time getting out there. Besides, the second Chase or Jesse get wind there might be sex about to happen the girl involved is soon dragged away and the client given a warning.

  Can I really go into one of those private rooms and dance for this super hot man? He must be someone of importance if he's a platinum member. But I don't recognize his face. My heart is pounding, not to mention my sex is throbbing like crazy.

  Yeah, I most definitely can.

  “If you're a platinum member, you must have your own suite,” Suite meaning one of our most personal rooms here in the club.


  The back end of this place is more like a damn hotel. It's so big here. This whole place was my brothers idea. He wanted to build this place and his reputation in the “Entertainment industry” I kind of used to think it meant prostitution, that my brother wanted to be some kind of pimp. I guess in a way that's exactly what it meant. But no girl here is forced to do anything she doesn't want to do.

  My brother was so much older than me, sixteen years older than me. He was my hero. When he died, I think a part of me died with him. Chase and Jesse, of course, are my brother's age. Thirty-six. What does that say about me? That I have a fetish for older men? Well then, I guess I do.

  Zack smiles at me and takes my hand without a word. I follow him along the hall to the private suites, stopping outside the largest, grandest one here. Which, of course, tells me Zack is someone of great importance, and he chose me? What the heck is that all about?

  I can't do this, I can't go behind Chase's back and do this, he'd kill me. “Zack, I can't go in there with you” He stops in his tracks and turns to look at me. “It's not because I don't want to. It's just my contract...”

  “They gave you a contract that doesn't allow you to be with a man should he ask it of you?” I nod, it's the truth after all.

  Chase made damn sure that I'd never get to be with a man intimately. That's what I wanted. Of course it was. I don't want to sell my body, but right now, I could kick myself for ever agreeing to it. This man in front of me is the most attractive man I've ever seen here. And believe me, some of the countries hottest men come here.

  “Hmm” He lets go of my hand and crosses his arms over his body. “You're too beautiful to be stuck out there acting like your nothing more than a dancer” I blush. He is so charming. “You're blushing” He takes a step towards me, I take one back and another and another, until I'm backed against the wall and his body is pressed hard against mine. Even with these three-inch heels, he towers over me.

  “I've never seen a woman as beautiful as you” I gasp as he kisses my neck. Oh my god, I haven't felt like this is so long. “I want you so bad”

  “I want you, too” I clutch at his broad shoulders. Christ, I feel so small next to this man. Everything inside of me is shaking, my knees feel weak like I'm about to fall. My head is becoming dizzy with the way he's holding me, kissing me.

  “Come with me”

  “That was laced with innuendo” I c
an't help the primal groan that escapes from my throat when he kisses my throat. He chuckles against my skin. He knows as well as I do what he meant. If he keeps pressing himself against me it won't be long before we're both coming.

  “Zack!” Hell!



  “What the hell do you think you're doing?!”

  “Jesus, Chase, can you shout any louder? I don't think they heard you in Texas!”

  “Don't fuck with me, Zack,”

  When Ron came to my office to tell me Ayva was again acting up, I never expected to find her in the damn hallway of my club practically fucking my little brother against the wall. What the fuck is wrong with this girl? I have done everything to protect her from everything seedy in this business. But she fights me on everything.

  I should never have agreed to give her a job in the first place. I thought that if I gave her a job dancing, I'd be able to keep an eye on her. I swore to my best friend that I'd make sure she was safe. How the hell am I supposed to do that when she defies me at every fucking turn?

  “What the hell do you think you're doing?” She looks at me for a moment before averting her eyes and looking to the ground, something she always does when she knows I'm pissed at her. “Answer me!”

  “Don't speak to her like that! Fucking hell, Chase”

  “Get in my office. Now!” I watch her jump. I always seem to scare her. What the hell is wrong with me? What's wrong with her?

  My brother rolls his eyes, takes her hand and leads her to my office. That one act made my blood boil in a way nothing ever has before.

  I watch Jesse's eyebrow raise as soon as his eyes lock on their entwined hands. My best friend and business partner rises from his seat behind his desk, hands in his pants pockets, looking ready for a fight, as always. When it comes to this girl, both Jesse and I would kill for her.

  “What's this about?”

  “You tell me” My brother is a smug prick, he knows only too well what this is about!

  “It's my fault... again,” She says while pulling her hand out of my brothers.